Sunday, December 01, 2002

Happy Chanukah (Home For A Few Hours)

In just a few brief hours, I will be waking up to drive over to the hospital in Pensacola. Five hours of sleep seems insufficient. Maybe I should skip. If only I could. I'm sure I won't have a hard time waking up. I know what lies ahead. I will be over there for the next five days doing my practicum part of the class. It’s four-hour credit so it doesn’t seem like that big of deal. Just don’t really know everything that will happen. I had a decent drive back up to school today. I made pretty good time considering the traffic. The worst part is I have to repack for the week. I'm done with my normal clothes, now I have to pack my dress clothes. This responsibility stuff doesn't get any easier. My week home was good. I now know (if there were ever a doubt before) I don't want to live with my folks again, never, if possible. I love them, but there are so many rules. Sometimes I think it's impossible to please my Dad. My Mom is my biggest fan. She'll support me in whatever I do, even though I get her upset sometimes. My Dad is the exception. Sometimes, I feel like his genuine concern for me is not really concern but merely he trying to get me to live the life he thinks I should be living. And that kind of just sucks. I've learned a lot about life just by watching them, but now it's time to stretch my wings out and fly. Well, this is going to be the last post for a while. At least until the 6th of December and relax, it's only the 1st. Chase promises some insightful words for us and who knows, maybe Justin will grace us with his presence. After all it's his site! Maybe at some point, I can get on over at the hospital and go on location and let you guys know how I'm holding up. Once again, thanks for reading. I'd also appreciate any prayers while I'm there. It's going to be tuff emotional, physically, and spiritually. I love you guys and I'll see you when I return.

Until Kwanzaa...

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