Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Some Things I Affirm

So, I'm up late. How unusual, right? Not really, but I'm trying to study for my Theology 301 mid-term that I have on Wednesday. I found this paper that states a lot of my beliefs in big, smart-sounding terminology. So, I figured I'd share:

I believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. Find no errors in the autographs, philosophically, psychologically, theologically, and scientifically.

The Bible is the Word of God.

I emphasize the necessity of theological integrity.

I am a young earth creationist (as in the Bible teaches the creation of the earth in a literal 6 day, 24 hour period). I also view the earth as between 6,000-10,000 years old.

I affirm soteriological exclusivism (people are saved only through Christ).

I view Scripture as the foundational source of religious spiritual authority.

I hold to congregationalism with strong pastoral authority/leadership/shepherding.

I believe there is a line drawn directly from scripture between God's sovereignty and man's responsibility.

I don't believe the Bible teaches women should be pastors.

My belief is that autonomy is a precious check against both hierarchicalism and connectionalism.

I affirm the eternal continuation of both heaven and hell.

I see the priesthood of all believers as guaranteeing direct access to God for all believers and as a doctrine of responsibility.

I don't believe there are any contradictions or internal inconsistencies in the Bible when properly interpreted.

I would also view historical-grammatical interpretation as a sound doctrine.

I find no mythological elements in Scripture.

And, I emphasize the transcendent truth of Scripture.

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