Sunday, September 21, 2003

I'm Gay, So What?

Disregard the title. I took it from another blog. I'm back from Starke now. I had a blast. I'll write more later, but it was definitely a nice break from the drudge of day-to-day living, even by my unemployed standards. By the way, the game Taboo is great fun. I think that's it. A big shout out to Chase for taking care of my crib. Holla 'atcha later my nizzles!

I may not always love you. But long as there are stars above you. You never need to doubt it. I'll make you so sure about it. God only knows what I'd be without you. If you should ever leave me. Though life would still go on believe me. The world could show nothing to me. So what good would living do me? The Beach Boys, God only knows, from Pet Sounds.

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