Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Finally, A Real Post

Sort of. The life and times of ill-advised deception is an epidemic that renders itself on our lives once again. Or whatever that means. I'm stupid and still unemployed. I'm sending résumés to Melbourne and if I get a job there, I'll probably move back home with the folks. However, if I can find something here, I will stay. Yay!

Today, the lovable maintenance man, Lamar, came by and told me that a lady at the housing authority office wanted to talk to me. I admit, I was a little nervous at first. But as I stated previously, if I get kicked out of my apartment, I will know I need to go home. If anything could be more indecisive, the lady and her supervisor apologized for how unorganized everything has been with me moving in and becoming head of the household. They just asked me to get a previous month's utility bill to prove how long I've lived here. So, as of now, I still have an apartment.

In other news, I had a date last night. It was real exciting. It’s the first one in a while. The date was not with a girl though. It was not with a guy either you sick and demented readers. The date was with my bed. I went to sleep around midnight. It's the first time in a long time. I usually don't go to bed until Sunrise. "Look ma’ I’m gettin’ all growned up!"

Okay, that's it. This is going to be short. I need to go print some stuff to mail at the college. Yay to be an alumnus.

"So easy to be a poet, so hard to be a man..." Canterbury Effect, Between Lines, from An Exercise In Humility.

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