Sunday, February 08, 2004

That Wasn't So Hard, Now Was it?
You know, it's hard to know what to say here. I like to talk to you people. Sometimes it's hard to know what to say cause I don't really have anything to say. Other times the difficulty comes because I have so much to add. I'm really not sure what the trouble at present is. I guess that is odd.

If you are a return visitor then you have come to understand what the site consists of. What you see is what you get. I realize Jeff writes 90% of everything here, but if you've been around a few minutes you've met a couple of the other contributors.

Perhaps you only ever get this far into a post I've written because you assume, naturally, that Jeff authored it. That is usually a safe bet. Safer than hand sanitizer. Perhaps you are leaving now, but let's assume you read my words because you actually want to, doing so under full recognition of what your getting into. Though I cannot explain this phenomenon I like it. And it's not my fault.

It's like I once told the principal of my high school, "I don't know why all the girls like me. They just do. Does that make me a bad guy?" He commenced to give me expert testimony that what I said was not true. I never trusted his research, but this is not the point.

So, if somehow I have managed to keep your attention this long, tell me how to keep on keeping it.

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