Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Can't Teach an Old Shrew New Manners

I had an orthodontist appointment this morning. It was scheduled for 10:30 with the note that I couldn't be there until 11:00. They need me in there every two weeks so that they can inflict the appropriate amount of pain. It is difficult though to find an appointment time that agrees with my schedule and the patients they already have booked. I got there and waited patiently as I have grown used to doing. I waited for about half an hour. During this time a certain dental hygenist whom I find annoying made comment about my tardiness to the girl about to begin work on my mouth. She has a certain tone that she takes and she says, "...40 minutes late. We need a late policy." As far as I cared she could have been talking about anyone, but I thought it was probably me. Now for the record I was on time. I arrived just at 11:00 just like had been previously discussed. I walked in and brushed my teeth, as they encourage the patients to do. Then it was about 11:05. It was another five minutes after that before they called me over to the chair to take my place. I wasn't late. Apparently, she just couldn't read the memo. Of course, she was able to take time away from her patients to keep close eye on the clock. A girl gets her first pair of scrub and decides to pick a fight with me. To her credit, I've been late a couple times previously and she has not let it go. She was the one to assist me one of those days and she lectured me on punctuality. I kept my mouth shut, not mentioning the fact that everytime I go, busy or not, I have to wait about the same twenty five minutes. They give the impression that their workplace is so laid back. That is until they get hungry. See, the thing today was that because of my arrangement they had to wait a couple extra minutes before lunch. This is not my fault. She, at least, could simply chase down a stray dog or child until there is time enough for the buffet. I've decided not to let her get to me anymore. Next time I run late I'll look her in the eye and say, "I'm Late and You're Ugly. Can we still be friends?"

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