Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Mr. Know-It-All

I like my roommate a lot! He’s a great guy. We've lived together for almost two years. He knows a lot about 60s, 70s, and Christian music. He has single handedly inspired the resurgence of the Beatles and Pink Floyd in my life.

However, sometimes his music opinion can grow rather tiresome. And, I feel as if he really just talks to hear himself talk. Perhaps, he doesn’t know everything.

Tonight was one of those nights.

I was talking about who could play our fellow writer Chaz in a movie:

I said, “Willie Nelson.
He said, “Who is that?”
I responded with, “What!?!?”
He inquired, “Oh, is he the guy who played in the movie Shang-High Noon?”
I corrected, “No, that’s Owen Wilson.”
Roommate, “Oh…”
Jeff, “You really don’t know anything about music do you?”

The End

“I often think about you. The one being so scared that I’ve only told a few."

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