Monday, January 06, 2003

This One Time… One Year Ago Today

This time last year was the first time I ever had anything to with this blogging thing. Well, not really, but if you don't count my one-post stint with Dead Yet Living, than it was. It's been a fun and interesting ride hasn't it? If I knew then, what I know now, I would have probably never started writing. However, I can say that I am truly glad that I'm a part of this site. This low budget, semi-amazing site (haha) has really been a 2nd refuge for me (God being my ultimate refuge). I have told stories about my life, written a lot of poetry, and basically poured my heart, life, soul, and spirit into what has been typed. I just hope somebody has gotten something out of what I've said. This next year holds a lot in store for my life and the lives of Justin and Chase. We hope to bring some new and exciting things to this site. I won't make any promises and I won't make any New Year's resolutions, but I will tell you that I hold to my commitment to make this site the best possible blog it could be. This one is for anyone who has ever typed in our address, clicked our link, read our site, or commented in the box, Thank You. We appreciate you guys. Thanks for reading, To Whom It May Concern...

“I’m all for the hardcore scene…” -- Justin McLeod, in a recent conversation about musical preferences he and I have.

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