Saturday, March 13, 2004

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean to make you cry."

I would like to make a public apology for the things that I said in my last post. It seems some of my friends didn't take from it the comedic value which I had intended. In fact, they were taken aback, shocked and hurt.

It just so turns out I'm not so funny either. It seems once again the words I have spoken in gest have caused pain instead of laughs. I'm a doodyhead.

Okay. Stop. Please tell me you can read context clues. Please tell me you can take a joke. By joke I don't mean it's necessarily funny. I simply mean humor was the intention. Clearly.

Next time someone says or writes something that you could easily take offense to, assume it was a joke. Don't bring it up and especially don't have an intervention or serious conversation about it. That is unless they come at you with a hacksaw or other rusty blade. Then it may be time to talk. Otherwise, we should all assume that we are all friends.

It's cool man, it's cool. Trust me.

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