Thursday, October 09, 2003

Songs of Love Are Better Than Songs About Sorrow

Tonight will be the last post from me until sometime next week. I have a good friend getting married this weekend. I am lucky enough (and honored in that) to be a groomsmen in his wedding. Jon Egan is a former roommate from my sophomore year in college. His bride-to-be, Allison, is also a pretty good friend of mine. She only attended school here for one year, but in that short time I got to know her pretty well. And needless to say, but I will anyway, Jon and I are really close. So, I'm riding over with a couple (Walt & Diane) tomorrow and I'll be back on Saturday. We'll see if I can get some pictures of me in a tux up here. I'm actually taking my camera this time, so maybe it’ll happen. It doesn't happen that often, but you know, I'm vain when I have to pay $75 dollars to wear something for a few hours. So, expect me to flaunt my junk. Actually, I'll probably just end up just feeling fat and ugly about myself. So, check back to see how I let my self-consciousness overtake the little confidence I have. Until then, I'll leave you with some words that I'm thinking about. It doesn’t relate to the wedding. Just some other people I know. No, not you:

"He plead the fifth too long. Deserving to walk the plank and fall. No longer blind, the light hurts his eyes. In hopes that time will help anesthetize. Annul the hurt; the shame. That's eating him alive. He's praying more their friendship will survive. Ok, so far I'm not impressed. When does it get good? And how much time is left? No way, she can't end up with him. Did the hero die? Don't the good guys win? Don't they win? Don't they win in the end?" Craig's Brother, Masonic, From Lost At Sea.

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