Tuesday, November 05, 2002


Well, another beginning to another week of another month is here. Ain't it grand? Phenomenal is the word that I use to relinquish all the hurt that my tattered and broken psyche can fester up and oppositely turn the word into what I use to express my inconsequential sentiments on the eve of just another day (which will be tomorrow). But, tomorrow is merely more than just another stray ordinary day. It is a brand new day. A time of newly found significance in all alluring ripostes. Yet, the day isn't some out of the ordinary, earth-shattering extravaganza, is it? After all, the Bible says that we (us) ((you)) (((humans))) are the wonderfully and fearfully created chattels, not the days. What must one do with these splendid events of new fulfillment to the possible joyous times? Live (be indulging in the breath of life) each day to the fullest. Never regret what you cannot change. Only learn from your past mistakes. To err is human, right? To regret over the unchangeable, deniable past is just unconsidered idiocy. Let the bitterness die—much like you nudge off a chill underneath your spine. Rest in thine. Have the peace that passes all of our finite, pathological, and depraved understanding…

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