Sunday, November 03, 2002

Another Point Of View

So many times they tell me I’m growing up. I look back and retrace the footprints. Is this me? I see young friends pursuing and excavating feelings. I smile when I see their joy. A little jealous and envious just to be so happy. I pray and hope they find what they’re looking for. Common themes of heartache are no stranger to me. My snide remarks toward optimism only make me cynical. Arm in arm, hand in hand, they complete an almost perfect painting. Walking together and a little hug, makes me wish for my own story. I need books to read now, instead of filling my shelf up for show. As I sit on this curb, I want to be seen. I smile, but I really want to shed a tear or two. Don’t be petty and don’t be vengeful. Let loose those untold comments. Forget the phone calls. Remember your story and keep on the journey.

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