Wednesday, November 27, 2002

It's Just Me Against The World

At this point in the evening, I'm really pissed off. I have been trying to post about my day and as fate would have it, my browser crashed and we had a power bump. On two different times, I've lost everything I had written. So, as a result of that, I've lost a lot of time that was spent writing. So, here goes a summery of the day:

-I did four loads of laundry (that makes a grand total of half-a-dozen)
-I spent many hours outside working in the yard
-Manuel labor is not fun
-I dug up a 50 pound slab of cement that was holding a pole with a light on it
-I dug up a wire that was from said slab of cement about 10 feet to the house
-I picked up about 5 garden hoses from the yard, which was covered under a years worth of dirt and weeds
-I drove around Melbourne running errands for my folks
-I spent an hour in Wal-Mart, which should have only taken 15 minutes
-I picked up all of my dress clothes from the dry cleaner. Yeah, the total was about 20.00
-I helped chop carrots and celery

-- ok, so it seemed like a lot. Hopefully tomorrow I will be in the mood to reflect on why we celebrate this holiday. If not, just go watch the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special. It's so informative...

Have A Good Holiday...

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