Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Another Year From Now, I Will Be Gone

This coming Friday, the kids from the Baptist College of Florida will be walking across the stage, and finishing their long haul that we identify as higher education. A year ago, I myself made that walk, only to be left with my intentions, ideologies, and ideas of how life was supposed work.

Out of college, money spent.
See no future, pay no rent.
All the money's gone, nowhere to go.
Any jobber got the sack,
Monday morning turning back.
Yellow lorry slow, nowhere to go.

The Beatles, You Never Give Me Your Money, from Abbey Road

Ironically, I can place myself into those lyrics and it serves as a reminder for me today. I went to college. I got an education. I paid for it (with the help of my parents, the government, and the nice loan people). I graduated with high expectations, only to be left with begging aspirations of finding any job that would hire me. I lived in government housing and didn't have to pay rent (woops, I still live here). And as the song would be sung, I had no where to go.

Now a year later, I find myself very tired, but very grateful for my path. It hit me last night that I was actually doing what I had intended 365 days ago. It took a little longer than I expected, but I praise God none the less for letting me get here. I've still got a long way to go, but I know that it's all worth it. Thank you God for helping me, even when I am unhelpable...

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