Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ode To Four Days

Perhaps, even if I were able to give a proper summation of all my thoughts, I would be able to mention how indecisive I've been lately. I truly love comments. Especially ones that are laced with exhortation. But, that doesn't mean that just because I post something about me being stupid, that I think I am worthless. Maybe hopeless, but certainly not without worth. Regardless, this is a different sort of rant. It seems, as of late, I have lied to others a lot. Essentially, like every time I open my trap, a falsehood beckons from beneath my breath. Not everything. Just sometimes when I speak or spoke or spake. It's annoying. I thought I was over things like this. I guess I'm not. It's crazy the things that Satan throws at believers. It's even crazier to believe that I still give into Satan's temptations. It's certainly the unbelievably craziest thing that no matter how much I screw up, God will still forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Selah.


Anonymous said...

you know what the Bible says about liars... ;)

oh, and i bought new chucks yesterday. yay for new chucks.

Thais said...

my brother in Christ, i will pray for your lying nature, please be exhorted, for everyone lies, yet does not end up in flames, and just to reassure you, don't think you are so horrible because you lie. some people steal. so you aren't THAT bad. I hope you aren't crying yourself to sleep. look up and smell the roses.

ok, ummm, just kidding. ;)

hope all is good, friend.