Saturday, October 01, 2005

Clean. Free. Liberated.

It's been official for a few days now, although I'm not exactly sure when I started keeping track, so I just figured the first of the month was a good indicator to go with. I have been free from the bondage of something for a whole month now. Something that very much had a stronghold on my life. It has literally been ten years or more since I have gone a month without this substance. What is this precarious, idolatrous item? Soda. A soft drink, really? Yes! I have gone a whole month without the sweet and seductive tastes of a soda. The effervescent effect that comes from mixing carbonated water with syrup, sugar, and caffeine is still a very tempting notion, but I haven't given in. It is hard though. I still get the shakes, sweats, and impulses for the sip. I've replaced the drinking of pop with sweet tea, lemonade, and juice, but even then, the bubbly blinding taste still smiles it's pretty little face at me. But I will fight to stay strong. I will not give in. I just figured you should know, since we're friends.

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