Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another Poignant Moment For Me

Life is a funny thing. Well, not haha funny, but more of an ironic funny, or something. And what's a "thing" anyway? Is it more than just 33.33333 percent of a noun? My life is also funny (still not laugher-inducing). I watched a movie tonight. It was a film recommended to me that I sort of half scoffed, half considered to view, at the time. I just never got around to watching it really. But for whatever reason, I decided to rent it the other day and I sat down to watch it tonight. Perhaps out of nostalgia, respect, or maybe even honor. Again, I don't know. After I watched it, I pondered the idea that my life is now better having seen this flick. But, what if I had watched it when it was recommended to me? Would it have the same effect on me as it did tonight? I might not have been able to place myself within the lives of the characters then, as I did tonight. I'm glad I watched the movie now and not then. It's just weird how something like this will make you feel differently at different times. My elitist tendencies aren't always bad (like in this case). But, it's like I said earlier, life is a funny thing.

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