Monday, April 26, 2004

I never dug the coal mine scene.

Who in here is tired of hearing about Jeff's computer problems? I certainly am. It seems like every week he's got some new post up about his obsolete computer. This love affair has gone on since Jeff's boyhood and as the weeks have progressed we've seen a picture unfold that is not unlike a man experiencing the death of a lifelong pet. Wait...It has occured to me that this complaint is not factual. I totally blanked for a minute there. I was thinking of another person in an entirely different scenario. My apologies.

So back to real life. This final semester is wrapping itself up nicely. That's Timewise, granted, but either way it's almost a wrap. I got my cap and gown last week. I noticed something terribly wrong with them: My cap is not the standard cap but instead it is a dunce cap. How could they do this to me? Oh, and it gets worse. I pull out the gown to find a large red capital "F" adorning the chest like the scarlet letter.

Ok so that part wasn't true, but neither is it fiction. Sometimes nightmares are the most concrete thing imaginable. At least for me. This (tentatively) being my last semester every tiny assignment looms like the boogeyman 'neath my bed. "Oh no! *gasping* I have to write a hundred words on God's love? *gasping* Say it ain't so."

Proving I can't handle the outside world,

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