Monday, April 26, 2004

60 Things in 60 Seconds

1. The other day me and Rich agreed that "blogging is so last summer."
2. I'm going to buy myself a new pack of undershirts and an electric razor soon.
3. Dum-Dums are good, but certainly no replacement for Blow Pops.
4. Don't expect me to call you an artist just because you paint.
5. Today my Current Issues professor told me I look like an "intellectual judge".
6. I could tell Scotty didn't like my sideburns, but I thanked him for noticing anyway.
7. When the sucker is gone it's hard not to eat the little bits of paper.
8. Donna's mom saw the Temptations for my birthday. She said that I enjoyed it.
9. Everyone is slides from underrated to overrated and back again throughout the span of their relationships.
10. You wouldn't like it if I liked your mom so tell your mom to stop liking me.
11. People are basically worthless.
12. I'm supposed to be doing school work, but I told Donna I was going to blog again. She said, "Okay, if you'll buy me a sweet tea at Waffle House." Small price to pay.
13. Smile is the Jayhawks' best album.
14. I'm constantly figuring out what I think are perfect song pairings for a mix cd.
15. I've decided I want to write a book about the last 25 years of rock history. The goal would be to put this into perspective with the first 25 years which have been given enough coverage.
16. I'm obsessively taking my shoes off in public. No one seems to mind.
17. I think it might be more effective if the AA pledge was, "Hi, I'm a lousy drunk."
18. The Late Show has been particularly funny recently. Favorite Spots include, "George W. Bush Pretends to Be Interested" and "Trump or Monkey?"
19. Please tell your mom to stop calling me.
20. Lately, I've bought too many magazines.
21. Sometimes when I am in the computer lab like this and Donna is at a table further back in the room I worry that she is going to come up and strangle me for my laziness.
22. If I must die I pray its not by strangulation.
23. I wonder if I'll ever be kidnapped.
24. I'm not scared of much but bugs freak me out. I've seen a few on my bed over the past couple weeks and have since decided to sleep in sleeping bag and ski mask.
25. And that isn't enough to make me feel secure I remain petrified until I fall to sleep.
26. I blame my friends for most of my problems.
27. I worry that one day wil turn into this thing where you only get half of what you pay for.
28. I never get invited to the company pic-nic.
29. I miss Jed and Jeremy.
30. Some days I feel like my future is a big mess of too many options.
31. It's funny when people assume that just because I'm a jerk sometimes they can be one all the time.
32. It's dumb how people make fun of Nascar. It's not the first sport to include a circular track and neither is it the first sport to involve an engine. This kind of thing is popular all over the world and yes, even with non-rednecks.
33. It's dumb to like someone you don't even know based on how tough you think they are.
34. Most people I know have completely lost touch with reason and common sense.
35. "Milli Vanilli told you to blame it on the rain, but if you blame it on the rain tell me what can be gained? If all else fails blame it on me."-BNL
36. One of the coolest things I've ever seen is in Kill Bill...oh sorry don't even want to know if there are ninjas in it.
37. How often is understanding faked?
38. My post-grad plan involves becoming the guy in charge of putting the prizes in cereal.
39. In case anyone cares I'm wearing the same pants I wore last year and they're still loose fitting.
40. Is there really any need to wash our hands before meals. Afterall, we don't have to eat with our bare hands anymore. Silverware anybody.
41. Of course, that would entail washing the silverware.
42. I need to correct my age on the side panel. I've gotten older but then again aren't we always.
43. It's funny, I made up this "assignment" so that I'd have something I could mark off my to do list.
44. As it turns out Donna was kidding about the sweat tea. She's real mad I haven't done any real work.
45. Now, it appears I am going to have to leave this incomplete just like everything else.
46. But no worries I don't expect you've read this far anyway.
47. Goodnight...

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