Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Nothing To Write, So Much To Say

Whispers of melodies play in my mind,
I listen as the radio reveals clueless words in time.

Unleashed by waves of frequency.
Through being processed by electricity.

Indirectly, I wonder how I will play out my life.

Living fake and thinking meek,
Never let anyone so freely speak.

Flowing springs of shouts and joys
Only to be out numbered by even louder cries.

Rewinding my thoughts only for a few,
I wonder what it’s like to see from her view.

Never underestimating, but never fully comprehending.
Distracted and fleeting I forward on to catch the ending.

The picture runs white,
Blurbs of color strike out the light.

My first love song has just been sung,
But it wasn’t me moving my lips along.

Is it an imposter or a traitor?
Who will it be that is greater?

There is no sound coming from within me.

I resume on and try to be,
Just moving on so I can wait and see.

Film and music capture great moments at the drop of a dime.
Now I wonder if mine are out of time.

This so vague and yet so bleak,
I don’t think I will be able to speak.

Just trying to the find the ending,
I question even the beginning.

Tears fill up these lonely eyes.
But, I wipe them away before I can cry.

Waiting, worrying, and wondering never gave me joy
So I loose those freedoms to seek self-control.

I’ll keep going on, all on my own way.
Thinking, questioning, and singing just to save the day.

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