Friday, April 19, 2002

Just About Ready To Say Thank God It's Saturday

Well, the adventures of another Friday night are almost over. In retrospective, I think this has been one week that I will not worry about getting over with... Many-a-thing hath occurred which causes me much grief, strife, and sorrow. Most of which I cannot reflect my feelings into words. So there's really no point in even trying to convey some letters to shape the outward appearance of a word in which might some how become a plausible sentence and make any comprehension apparent to you. This Friday night has only 32 minutes left in it. Don't you hate that feeling; when all you want to do is say something or talk about something, yet everything that comes out makes no sense or has zero relevance to the conversations that occupy your day. I feel like changing something and not my hair color. I feel like picking up the phone and calling and making amends with past friends, but I know that won't solve anything. I've fell into a hole and I can only see the dirt that's falling on my head as 'they' try to close the hole 'they' once dug. Have you ever felt like looking straight into a person's eyes and letting them use your eyes as telescope to see your heart, but then when you're both in the same room all you can do is close your eyes and walk right by. Sometimes I would rather sit in my room, lay on my bed, let the only light be from a lit candle, and listen as the song that plays explains that "even if you don't want to, you have to face the truth". Some say that you are so real, but really I am nothing but a fake. My life is as much of a sham as a phone card is compared to a credit card. Nothing but an endless depth of broken dreams and battered tears of pain. The light-scent of reality has no quench for my unmistakable urge to keep quiet and never speak. I guess at this point, I'd give anything to be anywhere other than here, sitting by myself. But, since that's all I've got, I guess I am a success. There's now 16 minutes left in my day.

Perhaps, I Suppose

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