Friday, April 12, 2002

Catch Phrases

Do you ever wonder why? This seems like a silly question, but there is a very deep lesson to be learned. I always contemplate the outcomes of life and wonder how I could have changed something, done something different, or even not done anything to receive a different final realization. Of course, sometimes you just have to ask yourself why? I do this a lot when talking to God. I have a journal I keep. Sometimes, you might even catch me writing in it (I know, surprising). Just some thoughts I've written down about girls, life, and the general et cetera:

' I'm 22, but I wanna be 14 '

' Washington to Florida '
-I felt closer to you, over that summer, being 800 miles away. Than right now, sitting on your couch, 8 feet away-

' The second time is always better '

' No Title Could Tell '
-I don't ever wanna see your face disgraced, again-

' Knowing G.W. '

' Wasting So Many Stamps '

' I'm sorry, I'm 12 '

"God, these are what I'm feeling. let me decide how to handle them. let me actually seek your will, if that's not what i was doing before. questions and answers. seems like just not knowing is becoming the answer."

Funny how things seems so bleak. Yet, the breaking sight of a new sun coming over the horizon, that's not yet showing any color of light in the dark early morning sky; can be hope. hope for the future, Hope in the unseen...

Nighty-Night Nite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
