Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I love how people make blanket statements, but then totally mean another thing in word and action. Example, people who say, I'm not a [insert ideology they're not: Marxist, Racist, Fascist], but I think [insert the typical ideological conclusion they claim not to be]. Okay, here's your chance to stereotype me.

I'm not a Maoist, but I...


Anonymous said...

i can't think of anything clever to say...yes, i'll admit i didn't quite know what that was, BUT i looked it up and know what it is now...and i still can't think of anything clever to say...

i'm not proud. i'll admit to the fact that i'm not educated like i could be...

Joe Kennedy said...

...would censor virtually all of my music in favor of only the Beatles and bands you like.

And then I'd protest, and you'd run me over with your tanks just like in Tienneman Square. You jerk. I should kill you for this.

I mean, wait, because we're just joking here.

Sarah said...

"...finally realize that Sarah's onto something with this whole Socialism bit."

Anonymous said...

...slaughtered Josh Waitzin (chess player from Searching for Bobby Fischer), americanized his identity to jeff watkins, and beat, tortured, and killed anyone who played the game because it was against our great leap forward.

Debbie said...

Tricky subject Jeff. But on the topic of people saying they are not whatever it is they are not. When you think about it how often do we all have a comment or judgement about something? To say your not is a lie in itself, because every opinion is offending the opposition. We are all a Racist, Fascist, judgemental in some way, even when we would like to think of ourselves as saints, truth is we are not. Gave my two cents you can toss them back if you want, I won't be mad. :-)

I like your topics here....so interesting.

Jeff Watkins said...

Thank you for allowing me two "toss" my two cents back. You should know I would any way ;)

With regard to your statement, I agree and disagree with it. Yes, we often think of ourselves as more than we should. However, I've never been a saint (besides being the biblical classification of "saved"). I am a wretch; a sinner. By disagreeing with an opinion we're not necessarly offending the opposition. We're simply disagreeing with one's position. When I say, I'm not a racist. I mean it. I'm not. What's the definition of racism? One who dislikes and has ill will toward somebody based soley on the color of their skin or nationality. I don't dislike anyone on those conditions. Furthermore, if I said, "I'm not a racist, but I hate niggers, even though I like black people." Although I'm affirming that I don't hate black people I'm still disliking them because I'm categorizing one supposed type or group of them, which is still being racist. Do you see my point. That is what I dislike.

*My use of the "n" word was simply to make a point. I hate the word and I never wish to use it.