Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Punks, Act Your Age

I'm so tired of hearing, "...And I approved this message."

Well, here we are. There is no time left. It's officially November 2nd. I'm really excited about this election. I have been able to vote for six years now, but I haven't cared about until this year. Shoot, I didn't even register until last summer. I don't know why I started to care then, I guess it's just a part of growing up and getting old. I'm glad I did it though. I will be participating in my civic duty tomorrow afternoon. Of course, in Jeff-fashion, I won't make my way there until afternoon, haha. I ain't getting up early just to vote. Sheesh.

Okay, so here is my attempt to reach the hearts of people who might still be undecided. I am voting for George Bush. I'm willing to take my chances with four more years of him, than the ever-changing John Kerry. Bush will lead us in a way that Kerry is incapable of. You've heard all of the evidence. I won't be able to sway you. Just do what you feel is right. For me, I feel like I'm being lied to with everything I hear. I wish I didn't care, but I do. I just want to say, people should vote for the person they feel best represents their values. Don't just vote for voting sake. Vote because you believe in the person you are voting for. Don't vote republican or democrat just because that's what you're registered. Vote because you trust that candied, as much as possible.

Alright, maybe I'll have some more later today from my findings at the local voting precinct. Right now, I have to figure out some more things to decide about in my voting-mood (amendments, issues, etc). Otherwise, if I don't tell you anything else today, take this for what it's worth.

Also, for District 2, Representative in Congress, you should write me in because the canidates suck and I would be a better state Congressmen. Thanks. I'm Jeff Watkins and I approved this message...

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