Monday, January 21, 2002

So..... The Website is back in business and yes it seems all the more interesting now to write than ever before in my ENTIRE EXISTANCE! Just to comment on a few things... The story Justin was telling with me and the 4 or 5 year old (Read Down If You Don't Know What I'm Speaking About) is not totally true. She was 14 or 15 and had some wonderfully knitted mittens and I wanted to try them on. So I preceeded to make an offer about purchasing one of the precious items. She refused and said that I could only have them if I would shave my blue head... Well ladies and gentlemen, I am still combing my hair today. In another interesting and totally unrelated news, to clarify to the general public, I have no problems w/ Chase writting poems to girls. We have this little joke/seriousness thing going on where when Chase says "I can't explain myself right now", I saw "Chase, when I was a little boy, my mom told me...." I'll have to tell the story sometime...

Moving On... School is back into full swing and not even being a full week into the new semester I'm already thinking about my career as a bum; begging, panhandling, and trying to get on Welfare (Do you get Socail Security when you turn 65 if you're on welfare?) Never the less, we must continue on to that goal the God has set for us (that almost sounded reformed). Like, I had a quiz in New Testament 202 and I got a 50 on it. Reminescent of my days in highschool I guess. I'm just tired and I feel like all I do is read. This whole being studious thing kinda sux. I actually just started it like 2 semester's ago and I'm actually practicing it this semester. Yay, well I need to read an outline on Colissians and Philemon so I'm gonna dip for now, but not forever.

2 Pac and Jeff Watkins


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