Sunday, October 10, 2004

Another Day, Same Story

Chase and I got a bite to eat at Waffle House early this morning. Of course, it was still evening to us. While we were there, I noticed a semi-attractive girl and a not-at-all-attractive girl. The semi-attractive girl's eyes met mine a few times, but I didn't think too much of it. But, when we were about to pay the check and leave, the glancing at each other was becoming more frequent. When I walked out the door, I looked, and she was looking at me. When I got outside, I mentioned the phenomenon to Chase and we both had a laugh at the notion that they were checking us out. When we got in the car, either the not-at-all-attractive girl or our waitress, I can't remember who, came outside to say something to us or maybe just me. (My ego would allude it to being addressed to me.) Anyway, I poked my head out of the car to see what she wanted and then the girl walked back inside, so I didn't pursue it any further. I wondered if she thought I was something special or maybe her semi-attractive friend thought so (obviously the outcome I wanted). Then, as we were driving home, I thought it was kinda junior highish that the semi-attractive girl, if it was in fact her who thought I was cute, had her friend say something to me. I don't know. It was nice to be noticed, I guess.

Maybe I just wish you would remember me?

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