Sunday, December 10, 2006

New Orleans News

Rep. William Jefferson (Democrat) kept his seat in Congress, winning the runoff against Karen Carter (Democrat) on Saturday. Although I'm still a registered voter in Florida, I got involved in this particular race because of the vast implications this district's seat has on where I live. Out of all of the candidates in November's election, there was only one republican, whom incidentally was white. In this writer's opinion, he had no chance. I have no problem with the leaders of this city being black, white, purple, red, or green. Furthermore, political parties are not my concern, as I am a registered independent. Although I do lean conservatively, I really just want better things for this city. Thus the problem with our local leaders. Karen Carter is a left-wing supporter who wants her vision of a 'New' New Orleans. The only problem with that is she is a rich woman who does not live where the citizens do. And Jefferson is no better. The FBI found nearly $100,000 in his freezer, which is thought to be bribe money. Although he hasn't been charged with a crime, local authorities speculate that an indictment will come soon. As USA Today Reported (click the quote to read the entire article):

The scandal turned the race into a debate largely divided along racial lines, an age-old dynamic in this city that has intensified since Hurricane Katrina displaced large numbers of blacks and upended their demographic and political dominance. Whites, who overwhelmingly voted for Carter in the primary and have been her most enthusiastic financial backers, believed a Jefferson win would confirm this city's image as corrupt and untrustworthy as it asks the nation to fund its recovery from Katrina.


Anonymous said...

have you started on that 20 page paper???

i'm sure you'll get it done!

and, is all of that on one day or is that other exam on another day??

anyway, i'm praying for you and i hope you do well on your exams! drive safely on your trip home!

Anonymous said...

how exactly did you get involved?

Jeff Watkins said...

Poor choice of communicative words. I did not get involved, specifically. I just read stuff on the canidates, watched the debates, etc. Personal, emotional involvement.

Sarah said...

Personally I think you should be concerned if any of the city's leaders are purple...the Heimlich might be in order.

And maybe anarchy is the only way...every man a king! (Okay, I know that's Huey P. Long and he's far from an anarchist, but still...)