Friday, December 22, 2006

It's Christmas Time in New Orleans, Mom's Cooking Chicken and Collard Greens

That song lyric is adapted from the Run DMC Christmas song, and changed (Hollis, Queens to New Orleans) by me. Currently, I am in sunny Melbourne, Florida and I am bored. It's nice to have nothing to do. I'm trying to enjoy it, but it feels weird to have nothing to do or worry about. Also, I'm not very excited about Christmas this year. Well I guess I sort of am anxiously awaiting the day; it's more of a forcing myself to be excited situation. This has been happening for a few years now. It just gets harder and harder to have the same feelings as I did when I was a kid or even a teenager. Is anyone else experiencing this at their mid-twenties?


Sarah said...

It's a different kind of excited during Christmas now. Good, but different (the new normal? I hate that phrase)

P.S. Maybe your mom and I can eat Hello Kitty waffles and play Trivial Pursuit PC2 when I get back :)

Jeff Watkins said...

I'm sure my Mom dislikes TPPC2.