Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just In Case You're Not Affected By The Economic Crisis

I never check the links I list on my blog. It has been so long since I've read any one's words. I did, however, recently realize that my own information was incorrect. I have been selling my stuff (and now mostly items I buy at reduced prices) on via the Marketplace for nearly six years. I sell books, DVDs, Cd's, etc. If you get a hankering for something and just want to spend some money, see if I have it. I'll even cut you a break if you're a friend. At some point, Amazon gave me my own store-personalized address. Perhaps everyone receives their own store now, but I know one used to be required to purchase a store. The link to my store was previously this long address convoluted with letters, numbers and a plethora of backslashes. Now, it is the very simple:

Please stop by, I just may have what you always wanted. Or, just splurge and help me out.

P.S. I just lowered the price on nearly everything I'm selling.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

These Are Not The Basketball Diaries

Oft I dream of grander times. I look at my accomplishments and realize I have not accomplished that much. I want to finish more than a pack of cigarettes. I want to be known... Not by the masses, but by the people who matter most to me. I want a lot. I probably want too much. Fame and fortune they are not. Time leaves me when I least expect it to. Rather, he isn't the one who stopped. I have quit. Given up. Finished. Something, sometimes, gets in my way. Memories are like obstacles. It's like a car trying to pass a parade. Even though city lights give way to country floods, I change the light bulbs anyway. Either way, I have another day. Another chance. A shot in the dark. Sparking. Restlessness is wrestled with by people who need help. I need it. Help. I need more than just a simple solution. No more restitution. Don't give me money because I took your place. Take what you want, but by legal means, please. Don't change your mind. Forget what you once thought was wise. I used to quote rappers as if they were Greek philosophers. I want to be Greek. But I got a D in the introductory course. Don't go to Greece. Don't play in the streets. Don't buy into this whole freedom scene. East goes east for the rest of the distance. Stars seem brighter when you are closer. Hollywood is just one place were movies are made. Virtuosity is far worse among those who practice a lot. Don't confuse this allotment for something more. A time or a spatial tenure, measured by means. Work. Live. Lye. Lay. Look. Don't back up. Tree trunks are in now. Forgive what you once thought. Lost little lessons. I don't know why. I just don't know. Why? Why what? Police truck. Don't get drunk. Don't sin. Be perfect. Never win. Exclaim the beauty. Repress the weak. Turn your last cheek. Deposit more money so you never run out. If money is worth having, don't waste it all. Collections rule. Depression, too. Laid down by the walls too heavy to hold above your head. Don't dread the dead. You know what? Dreamless nights are still a goodnight's sleep.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Mind Says No, But My Body Says Yes

I don't want to come here ever again. It is such a mind numbing chore to blog. Who blogs anymore? I hear about these so-called bloggers who shape news and inform the public. If you have a web log that has been around for as long as To Whom, then you can say something. I read so much crap on the internet. So much pretentious fluff about God knows what. Who cares, really?

An update on my life:
I want to start blogging more frequently again.

What did I just say?

I sort of miss having a place to air grievances and share my life. I think I need to just stop being pretentious and treat this thing like what it ought to be, not what it could be. I am not a reporter. I am Jeff and this is my life.

I graduated in December. I am still working for the Magnolia School in old Jefferson, Louisiana and living in New Orleans. This May will mark two years of employment.

Also, I am applying to Ph.D. programs now. Right now, working on stuff for Rice University and University of Louisville (in the areas of Religious Studies and Humanities, respectively). I also have been corresponding with the chair of the Religious Studies department at Brown University. I have missed the deadline to apply, but they have some unique things there that might be worth the investment of five more years in school. Why do I do this to myself?

Love and death,


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Enough with the 'Happy New Years' Already!

Okay, I know I'm too cynical at times. But it's the 8th of January. It has been the new year for like eight days now! I am tired of people wishing me a happy new year so far after the fact. If I wasn't fortunate enough to see you on the 31st, 1st, or 2nd, my apologies. If you want move beyond well-wishes and actually help me have a good 2009, just don't be a douche bag.

Thank you.